Developing Young Athletes: There is Never Enough Time
March 6, 2018
The Number ONE Career Killer
December 22, 2019I stumbled across two amazing artilces on LinkedIn. I already posted one about how to kill your career. This second article applies as much to your athletic career as it will to your professional career down the line. The author, Suzy Welch, shares the secret that she wished she knew when she was in her 20’s. This secret is a truth that leads to the most successful and fulfilling career: sincerely doing good for as many other people as possible. I am sharing it because of how it applies to an athletic career. When you are a team player, you genuinely pull for your team mates success, and you contribute by not only scoring yourself, but by making your team mates better through your communication, passing, help defense, and encouragement, you will draw people to you, rather than drive them away. Coaches, like bosses, want the best team, and want team success. They ALL want this kind of team player because those are the kinds of players/individuals that make for the best teams/organizations. Be a sincere team player, and watch your career take off. Learn this now as a teenager, and watch your life take off as an adult.